We are delighted to announce the successful culmination of yet another empowering journey under the Youth Elevation Scheme, a collaborative effort between the Rotary Club of Barbados and The Juvenille Scheme of the Barbados Police Service.
Youth Elevation Scheme Marks Completion of Successful Cohort
2024-04-13 04:00:00Z |
We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of the Model United Nations (MUN) program,
Model United Nations
2024-03-16 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Barbados is proud to announce the recipients of the annual Pride of Workmanship Awards,
Pride of Workmanship Awards
2024-02-29 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 07, 2024
Congratulations to Past President Victor Fernandes on his appointment as Ambassador Designate to The United States of America.
Past President Victor Fernandes appointed as Ambassador Designate to The United States of America
2024-01-07 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 07, 2024
Carols by Candlelight - Where the joy of Christmas Comes to Light! Rotarians brought the joy of Christmas to thousands once again
Celebrating the Magic of the Season: Carols by Candlelight 2023
2024-01-07 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 27, 2023
Rotary partners with Toastmasters for the fifth cohort of the Youth Elevation Scheme themed "Leadership and Public Speaking."
Rotary Club of Barbados Youth Elevation Scheme (Y.E.S) Partners with Toastmasters
2023-12-27 04:00:00Z |
Leadership,Toastmasters,youth |
Posted on Dec 27, 2023
Since 1975, the Rotary Club of Barbados has been paying tribute to and celebrating our senior citizens with an annual Christmas Tea Party.
Rotary Club of Barbados Gives Back to Senior Citizens
Keri Mapp
2023-12-27 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Barbados is buzzing with excitement as we proudly welcome aboard a group of passionate individuals ready to make a positive impact!
RCOB Welcomes New Members
2023-11-16 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 26, 2023
On September 8th, we celebrated World Literacy Day, and in the spirit of promoting literacy, the Rotary Club of Barbados embarked on an inspiring mission!
Literacy Day Initiative
2023-10-26 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 24, 2023
The Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Barbados joined forces on World Polio Day to commemorate the significant milestones achieved in the ongoing battle against polio.
World Polio Day Activities
2023-10-24 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 17, 2023
For the third consecutive year, the four largest international service organizations – Kiwanis, Lions, Optimist, and Rotary – have issued a rallying call to service clubs worldwide, urging them to come together in celebration of community.
Celebrating Community
2023-09-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 28, 2023
The Rotary Club of Barbados is proud to announce the launch of the "Create Hope - NCD Screening & Literacy Project," a dynamic initiative aimed at making a significant impact on the community's health and well-being.
Rotary Club of Barbados Launches "Create Hope - NCD Screening & Literacy Project" to Combat Non-Communicable Diseases
2023-08-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 10, 2023
Congratulations to the 2022-23 Paul Harris Fellow! This year's PHF were awarded to the following Rotarians by President Tracey.
Paul Harris Fellow Awardees
2023-07-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 10, 2023
New Club President - Ermine Darroux-Francis announced five Honorary Rotarians to join members in serving the community in the year of creating hope.
Five named Honorary Rotarians
2023-07-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 08, 2023
In a magnificent and glitzy event, the Rotary Club of Barbados installed its new leaders for the upcoming year.
2023-24 Installation of Officers
2023-07-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 01, 2023
We are thrilled to announce that our esteemed past president, Paul Ashby, has been appointed as Assistant Governor for Barbados!
Past President Paul takes on the role of Assistant Governor Barbados
2023-07-01 04:00:00Z |
The club held its 2nd RotaGames Corporate Team Building event on June 23rd.
RotaGames 2023
2023-06-23 04:00:00Z |
Our club achieved the Rotary Zone 34 Public Image Platinum (Highest Honors) Citation.
Kudos to the Public Image Team for their excellent work!!
Public Image Platinum Citation
2023-06-14 04:00:00Z |
On Thursdays, we fellowship together, but we also take the opportunity to learn from each other.
Our club launched a Leadership series titled "Tools of the Titans" on May 4th, 2023 which kicked off with two amazing powerhouse ladies.
Tools of The Titans - Leadership Series
2023-05-31 04:00:00Z |
On April 20th, 2023, the club welcomed 3 new members and the members of the Rotary Club of Barbados Satellite Club - Rise Up were pinned.
3 New Members Inducted and Satellite Club Members Pinned
2023-04-20 04:00:00Z |
Our Club in collaboration with Verdun House and the Women of Purpose Ministries held the Media launch for the Save Spend Thrive Financial Empowerment Programme.
Save Spend Thrive Launch
2023-04-19 04:00:00Z |
We are happy to announce that at the recently held District Conference in Grenada, the Rotary Club of Barbados was bestowed with the following...
District Citation and Award
2023-04-19 04:00:00Z |
The Interact Club of The Lodge School officially unveil their “Green Space” project
Green Space Project Launch
2023-04-19 04:00:00Z |
Members of the Rotary Club of Barbados met with the management, staff, EarlyAct Helping Hands Executive and students of Wills Primary School on March 31st, 2023 to mark the handover of this year’s club-sponsored initiatives.
Environmental and Movement Trail Initiatives
2023-03-31 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Barbados believes that every child needs a champion and has been the children’s champion for over 60 years. The Club believes in developing the next generation of leaders and our many programs help younger leaders build leadership skills, expand education, and learn the value of service.
Y.E.S Programme (Youth Elevation Scheme)
2023-03-23 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Barbados inducted 5 new members thus far for the Rotary year 2022/23. We welcome the following to the Rotary family and look forward to working with them on the journey of Service Above Self.
New Members Inducted
2023-02-17 04:00:00Z |
On December 1st, Sol a member of the Parkland Corporation; under their Sol Cares initiative made a generous donation to Rotary Club of Barbados in support of the Youth Elevate Scheme Programme and the Interact Clubs of the St. Michael School, Codrington High School and The Lodge School.
Sol Cares Donates
2023-02-09 04:00:00Z |
2022-23 Pride of Workmanship
Keri Mapp
2022-08-22 04:00:00Z |
On July 20th, 2022, our club kicked off the new year with a donation from Sagicor. These computers will be donated to Marina House under the Save, Spend & Thrive initiative which is focused on equipping the vulnerable women in our community with essential financial literacy skills. The project will be rolled out in three (3) phases, the rehabilitation of the computer labs at Marina House, followed by a financial wellness coaching seminar, and finally, a national social media campaign highlighting basic financial literacy tips in an easy-to-understand format. |
Great Start to President's Project
2022-08-14 04:00:00Z |
On July 9th, at the picturesque Bentley Mansion, a venue with so much history and aligns so eloquently with the theme “Let’s Make Rotary Magic”; the 2022-23 Rotary Club of Barbados Board was installed. The ceremony was held under the patronage of the President of Barbados, Her Excellency Dame Sandra Mason, GCMG, DA, QC and featured the Barbados Police Band who serenaded Rotarians and guests during the cocktail hour. The 2022-23 Board is ready to serve and Make Rotary Magic! - President Tracey Knight-Lloyd
- Vice President Paul Ashby
- President Elect Ermine Darroux
- Secretary Jamella Forde
- Treasurer Peter Williams
- Director Club Administration Savitri St.John
- Director Public Image Keri Mapp
- Director Community Service Anton Nicholls
- Director Membership & Youth Service Barbara Trieloff-Deane
- Director International Service Carole JnMarie
- Immediate Past President Robin Ford
- Sargeant-At-Arms Randy Marshall
About Rotary:
Rotary is the oldest service club in the world with a global network of 1.2 million individuals serving in 200 countries with more than 35,000 clubs in a cohesive force for good. Rotarians see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. The most notable example at the global level is the three-decade fight to eradicate polio. Rotary is a unifying force, promoting peace, diversity, and inclusion while helping to eradicate diseases and remove hunger and poverty. Rotary gives hope. Rotarians take action. About Rotary Club of Barbados: Rotary was introduced to Barbados 61 years ago and our club was chartered in 1962. From its inception, the Rotary Club of Barbados has always been able to conform to the long-established principles of Rotary International in recruiting its members and filling classifications from the top executives in business, professions, and services. Our club consists of over 90 members serving the community and working to promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; save mothers and children; support education and grow local economies. Our Motto – ‘Service Above Self’
New Board Installed
Keri Mapp
2022-07-21 04:00:00Z |
2022-23 board,rotary board |
| Save, Spend and Thrive, the brainchild of President Tracey Knight-Lloyd, is a financial literacy programme conceived to equip vulnerable women to protect their livelihoods and by extension their families, as many women head households. In terms of vulnerable women, it is the intention to start with the residents of Marina House, a residential treatment facility catering to women from all walks of life, who are recovering from varying forms of addiction.
This project will be rolled out in 3 phases, the rehabilitation of the computer labs at Marina House, a financial coaching seminar, and finally a national social media campaign highlighting basic financial literacy tips in an easy-to-understand format.
Save, Spend , Thrive - President's Project
Jamella Forde
2022-07-19 04:00:00Z |
marina house,president tracey,presidents project,save spend thrive,tracey knight-lloyd |
Posted by Jamella Forde
In one of his last acts as president, Baron Robin Ford acknowledged members of the Rotary Club of Barbados for their excellent work and contributions during the Rotary year of 2021-22 under the Rotary theme Serve to Change Lives. The list of the awardees is as follows; Tracey Knight-Lloyd, Denise Antrobus, PDG David Edwards, PHF Arlene Ross, Jamella Forde, Keri Mapp, Roger Blackman, Davina Layne, Nikita Gibson, Ron Davis, Heather Tull, Stanley Macdonald and David Antrobus. Congratulations to the Awardees!!
Rotarians receive Presidential Awards
Jamella Forde
2022-07-15 04:00:00Z |
Davina Layne,Keri Mapp,Nikita Gibson,Roger Blackman,david antrobus,denise antrobus,heather tull,jamella forde,robin ford,stanley mcdonald,tracey knight-lloyd |
Posted by ermine darroux on Jun 30, 2022
At the Virtual District Ceremony held on the evening of June 27th, 2022, our very own Past President Paul Ashby in his role as District Secretary and Rotarian Neal Griffith, our District Conference Chair received a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) Award from District Governor Sonya Alleyne. In her presentation she noted how they both willingly accepted to serve and commended them for their outstanding work in supporting the district and their leadership in organizing a very successful District Conference in Barbados. This is not the first time these Rotarians have received a PHF. Past President Paul is now a PHF + 3 while Rtn. Neal is now a PHF + 5. We are very proud of them not only for their support to the rotary international foundation but also their work as Rotarians. Congratulations Paul and Neal!
District Governor rewards two with PHF awards!
ermine darroux
2022-06-30 04:00:00Z |
Neal Griffith,Paul Ashby,Paul Harris Fellow |
Posted by ermine darroux on Jun 30, 2022
On June 30, 2022, President Robin Ford ended his final meeting for rotary year 2021-22 with a presentation from CNN Award Winning Anchor and International Journalist Michael Holmes. He commenced his presentation talking about his experiences with rotary and the work we do globally including the student exchange program. He recounted a number of events he covered including the impact of climate change on the Caribbean islands by devasting hurricanes and other challenging global events from all corners of the world, like the fall of Berlin wall to the war in Iraq and more recently in Ukraine. His presentation was well received, with good membership engagement which included some several thought-provoking questions from members and the media present. He was introduced by Past President Trevor Carmichael and vote of thanks was delivered by Secretary Ermine Darroux. The meeting started off with a powerful prayer from Rotarian Keri Mapp following by a summary of our 'Rotary Minutes' presentation by Director and Past President Carole Jn Marie. President Robin thanked his friend Michael for accepting his invitation to speak at our meeting and extended an open invitation to him to visit Barbados in the near future.
CNN Anchor presents at 2021-22 Final Fellowship Meeting
ermine darroux
2022-06-30 04:00:00Z |
CNN News,Carole JnMarie,Ermine Darroux,Keri Mapp,Michael Browne,Michael Holmes,Robin Ford,Trevor Carmichael,awardwinninganchor,cnn,michael holmes |
Posted by ermine darroux on Jun 24, 2022
At the final face to face meeting for this rotary year, President Robin recognised his team of 11 for their outstanding service in carrying out the work of rotary over the last year. President Elect Tracey Knight-Lloyd, Director PP Carole JnMarie and Director Arlene Ross were unable to attend hence they will receive their appreciation gift later. The members present thanked the president for the recognition.
President Robin shows appreciation to his Board
ermine darroux
2022-06-24 04:00:00Z |
algie leacock,anton nicholls,arlene ross,carole jnmarie,ermine darroux,fiona hinds,peter arender,randy marshall,robin ford,savitri st john,stanley mcdonald,tracey knight-lloyd |
Posted by ermine darroux on Jun 23, 2022
Our Schoolhouse for Special Needs received a donation from RBC Capital Markets of USD30K under the program RBC Charity Day For Kids. We appreciate this donation and say special thanks to @rbc for making us part of this year's #RBcCharityDayForTheKids; a program benefiting youth-serving charities and thousands of children around the world! Learn more: www.rbcc.com/charitydayforthekids The Rotary Club of Barbados partnered with the School House in 2010 after recognising a need to assist more students with various physical or limited abilities. The club was successful in purchasing the building to house the school and expanding the facilities to not only accomodate more students but provide the necessary facilities and resources to support the growing demand for the students and the services. Click to view video https://www.instagram.com/tv/CfIQ4miMdXZ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.facebook.com/theschoolhouseforspecialneeds/videos/394352679402697 Click to learn more about the school: https://www.facebook.com/theschoolhouseforspecialneeds
The SchoolHouse for Special Needs Received US$30K from RBC
ermine darroux
2022-06-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted by ermine darroux on Apr 10, 2022
Over 200 Delegates from District 7030 converged in Barbados from April 7th to 9th for our annual District 7030 Conference after two years of virtual events! The event was declared officially opened on Friday morning by Dr. Hyginus ‘Gene’ Leon, sixth President of Caribbean Development Bank. Our District Governor (DG) Sonya Alleyne welcomed the delegates and encouraged all to continue the work of Rotary. During the three days of activities the delegates were graced with the presence of Past Rotary International (RI) President Barry Rassin and Past RI Director John Smarge, RI Director Elect Jeremy Hurst, RI Membership Director Brian King, who delivered the message of Rotary via our virtual platform. They reminded delegates to continue supporting their members, their community, and the RI Foundation to allow Rotary to create more impact globally.
District 7030 Conference was live in Barbados
ermine darroux
2022-04-10 04:00:00Z |
DG Sonya,District 7030,PETS,Serve To Change Lives,barbados,conference |
Posted by ermine darroux on Feb 07, 2022
On February 5, 2022, the Rotary Club of Barbados joined forces with the Juvenile Liaison Scheme of the Barbados Police Force (for the 2nd consecutive year) to deliver a revised program titled: Youth Elevation Scheme (YES)! Under the chairmanship of one of our newest Rotarians - Davina Layne, a two part 10-week program schedule was designed to provide the young participants with an opportunity to learn about a new career and/or to engage in personal development activities. The presentations will focus on photography, barbering, fitness, as well as jewelry making and fashion design. The participants will also learn how to tie-dye, create motivational posters, and participate in kite building activities (just to name a few).
Club launched the 3rd Major Project for this year – YES!
ermine darroux
2022-02-07 04:00:00Z |
Davina Layne,Roger Blackman,YES,Youth Elevation Scheme |
Posted by ermine darroux on Feb 04, 2022
Major Project #4 - Digital Literacy with the theme ‘Building The Brand Called You’ was launched on Feb 3, 2022. The programme is geared towards providing practical knowledge on key areas of ‘adulting’ for students preparing to leave school and enter young adulthood and will target secondary school students over the age of 16 attending the Deighton Griffith Secondary School, The Lodge School and Ursuline Convent.
Building The Brand Called YOU!
ermine darroux
2022-02-04 04:00:00Z |
Building The Brand Called You,Keri Mapp,Nikita Gibson |
Posted by ermine darroux on Jan 21, 2022
President Elect Jennifer Jones who will make history as she becomes the first female President of Rotary International.revealed the 2022-23 presidential theme, Imagine Rotary. During her presentation she urged everyone to dream big and harness their connections and the power of Rotary to turn those dreams into reality . She wants members to imagine the possibilities in the change they can make to transform the world. Jones noted the importance of engaging members is critical in order to retain them and that the club need to ask members what they want to get from Rotary and give them meaningful responsibilities. The President Elect Jennifer ended by saying “we all have dreams, acting on them is a choice we make; when an organization like Rotary dreams about big things like ending polio and creating peace, she said, it becomes our responsibility to make them happen. “You don’t imagine yesterday, you imagine tomorrow.” Credit: rotary.org
2022-23 Presidential Theme - Imagine Rotary
ermine darroux
2022-01-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted by ermine darroux on Jan 10, 2022
The Rotary Club of Barbados contributes to Barbados renewable energy and carbon neutral island- state transformational goals. On January 4th, 2022, the Club handed over the 5kW Photovoltaic System to The School House for Special Needs. The project valued at $25,190.65 was donated and installed by Solar Watt Systems Inc as a gift to the school. 
Another Major Project Completed!
ermine darroux
2022-01-10 04:00:00Z |
SchoolHouse,Solar,Solar Watt,environment |
Posted by ermine darroux on Nov 17, 2021
The Rotary Club of Barbados launched its 26th Carols by Candlelight annual event. This year the show returned to the Globe Drive-In on Saturday 11th and Sunday12th of December 2021 at 6pm.
RCoB 2021 Carols by Candlelight Launched!
ermine darroux
2021-11-17 04:00:00Z |
Carols by Candlelight,christmas,fundraiser |
Posted by ermine darroux on Oct 27, 2021
Rotary and Rotaract Clubs in Barbados joined forces to celebrate World Polio Day with several activities on the weekend of October 22nd to 25th, 2021. The joint planning committee led by PP Peter Williams organised various events including to raise awareness, promote the work of Rotary and provide support to our community: - A joint press release outlining the work of Rotary relating to the history of polio globally and Barbados, fight to eradicate this disease, support for the science of vaccinations as well as the assistance provided by Rotarians in the community.
- Radio and television appearances by various Rotarians to promote the work of Rotary in Polio eradication through vaccinations and to encourage Barbadians to get vaccinated.
- Social Media Campaign – all clubs posted World Polio Day materials on their various social media pages. Rotarians were encouraged to share through their own personal platforms.
Barbados Rotary and Rotaract Clubs Celebrate World Polio Day
ermine darroux
2021-10-27 04:00:00Z |
DG Sonya,DRR Mario,District7030,I am Rotary Barbados,President George,President Rene,President Robin,Rotary,World Polio Day,end polio now,endpolio,rotaract,vaccinations,vaccine drive |
Posted on Oct 13, 2021
A water solution project sponsored by the Rotary Club of Barbados, Rotary District 6960 (Florida), Rotary District 7030 (Southern Caribbean and South America) and The Rotary Foundation. This partnership with the Education Technical Management Unit of the Ministry of Education Technological and Vocational Training is seeing six secondary schools, in the rural parishes of St Lucy, St Peter, St Andrew, St Joseph and St George, furnished with water tanks and pumps to assist with a consistent supply of water. This initiative, inspired by the vision of President Robin Ford, President of the Rotary Club of Barbados, has resulted in the provision of 12 water tanks and associated equipment to the Alleyne, Alexandra, Coleridge and Parry, Daryll Jordan (now commissioned as a COVID-19 Isolation Centre), Grantley Adams Secondary and St George Secondary Schools. The main need addressed by this project is access to safe and adequate supply of drinking water, both during the term and when schools are also used as emergency shelters for the neighboring community. An additional need is in the maintenance of sanitation and hygiene standards. This is a critical concern when there is only non-potable water available due to low water pressure or water outages. In speaking with President Ford, he shared that the project’s “primary goal, access to safe and adequate supply of drinking water in the rural schools of Barbados, was determined through ongoing discussions and collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training and the rural school communities. Nine of the eleven parishes in Barbados are home to geographically-dispersed rural communities, supported by eleven (11) of the island’s twenty-one (21) secondary schools.” “As we know”, he continued, “education is a pillar on which our community, social and economic development and growth is based. Since Independence in 1966, education has been a key strategic lever in building our nation.” Additionally, one of the key areas of focus for Rotary is to provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene hence this is a major project for our club this year. This would not be possible without the continuous support of corporate Barbados as well as the general public through their contributions to our annual fundraiser event – Carols by Candlelight.
Water Solution for Rural Secondary Schools in Barbados
2021-10-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted by ermine darroux on Sep 17, 2021
Rotary Club of Barbados welcomed Tamara Allman to its membership during its weekly virtual Fellowship Meeting. Tamara is a Labour and Employee Relations Specialist and sponsored by Rtn Jason Martin. We look forward to working with her on our journey of 'Service Above Self'.
Welcome Tamara
ermine darroux
2021-09-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jul 09, 2021
Last evening during our 60th Installation of Officers; outgoing President Fiona Hinds awarded One individual - Public Image Director Arlene Ross with Rotary's highest award, Paul Harris Fellow, which is named after Rotary’s founder. Arlene lived Rotary’s motto, ‘Service above Self’ and in becoming a Paul Harris Fellow she joins notable individuals in history who have devoted their lives to the ideal of good will, peace, and the betterment of their fellow man.
Director Public Image receives Paul Harris Fellow Award
Ermine Darroux
2021-07-09 04:00:00Z |
arlene ross |
Posted by ermine darroux on Jul 09, 2021
At the Rotary Club of Barbados 60th Installation of Officers; the new President Robin A M Ford outlined his plans for the new rotary year under the Rotary International Theme ‘serve to change lives’ during a virtual ‘diamond’ ceremony. He began by welcoming the Governor General of Barbados and our club’s patron Her Excellency Dame Sandra Mason, Governor General of Barbados. He recognised all past District Governors, Our District Governor Sonya, AG Peter, Club Presidents, Honoray Rotarians, Special Guests, Fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors, Partners in Service and Friends of Rotary. Ford stated that he was eternally humbled and honoured to have been given the opportunity to lead the Rotary Club of Barbados for the next year and expressed thanks to God, his family and club members for their continued support and encouragement.
President Robin Takes Office
ermine darroux
2021-07-09 04:00:00Z |
Rotary,robin ford |
Posted on Jul 09, 2021
At a classy virtual ceremony under the patronage of the Governor General of Barbados, Her Excellency Dame Sandra Mason, GCMG, DA, QC, the new Board of Rotary Club of Barbados lead by President Robin A M Ford was installed: Algie Leacock -Vice President; Tracey Knight-Lloyd, President Elect; Ermine Darroux, Secretary; Peter Arender, Treasurer; Stanley MacDonald, Director, Membership and Youth Services; Savitri St John, Director, Club Administration; Arlene Ross, Director, Public Relations; Carole Jn Marie Director Rotary Foundation and International Services; Anton Nicholls, Director, Community Service; Fiona Hinds, Immediate Past President and Randy Marshall, Sergeant-at-Arms.
About Rotary: Rotary is the oldest service club in the world with a global network of 1.2 million individuals serving in 200 countries with more than 35, 000 clubs in a cohesive force for good. Rotarians see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. The most notable example at the global level is the three-decade fight to eradicate polio. Rotary is a unifying force, promoting peace, diversity, and inclusion, while helping to eradicate diseases and remove hunger and poverty. Rotary gives hope. Rotarians take action. About Rotary Club of Barbados: Rotary was introduced to Barbados 60 years ago and our club was chartered in 1962. From inception, the Rotary Club of Barbados has always been able to conform to the long established principles of Rotary International in recruiting its members and filling classifications from the top executives in business, the professions and the services. Our club consists of over 90 members serving the community and working to promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; save mothers and children; support education and grow local economies. Our Motto – ‘Service Above Self’
New Board takes office under the theme 'Serve to Change Lives'
Ermine Darroux
2021-07-09 04:00:00Z |
algie leacock,anton nicholls,arlene ross,carole jnmarie,ermine darroux,fiona finds,peter arender,randy marshall,robin ford,savitri st john,stanley mcdonald,tracey knight-lloyd |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jul 01, 2021
Our 60th Installation of Officers is scheduled for Friday July 2, 2021 at 6:30pm via our virtual platform. We will be graced with the presence of the Governor General of Barbados, Dame Sandra Mason, GCMG, D.A., Q.C., Patron of our club. Our Guest Speaker will be PDG Joe Otin, Past Vice Chairman of RI Communications Committee. Joe is a Digital Advertising Specialist and Media Research Analyst. We are excited and look forward to welcoming our new President Robin 'Baron' Ford and his new Board.
60th Installation of Officers to be held Virtually
Ermine Darroux
2021-07-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Apr 25, 2021
This morning, the Rotary Club of Barbados descended on the water scarce section of the Parish of St Joseph to provide 250 cases (6,000 bottles) of Highland Spring Bottled Water to Residents who have been experiencing challenges with receiving a regular supply of water. Rotary is always interested in partnering with Corporate Barbados and in this instance we teamed up with Stansfeld Scott & Co Ltd who came forward to not only Sponsor the project but provide a team to assist us with delivering bottled water to 250 homes in several areas of St Joseph. The four hour project titled 'Rotary Club of Barbados Water Drive' included a dozen trucks, 21 Rotarians plus three Partners in Service and four family members as well as seven Members from our very own Rotaract Club of Barbados.
Water Drive - St Joseph
Ermine Darroux
2021-04-25 04:00:00Z |
Barbados,Rotary,st joseph,water |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Apr 16, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 15, 2021 – BARBADOS ROTARY CLUBS will today be shipping 56 Pallets of Water containing over 20,000 Bottles in various sizes plus 6 Compressor Nebulizers, 5 Transformers, and 17 Gas Stoves to St Vincent. Additionally, the clubs will be making a cash donation of approximately EC$31K (Thirty One Thousand Eastern Caribbean Dollars) in the first instance through the St Vincent Rotary Clubs. Our three existing clubs namely Rotary Club of Barbados, Rotary Club of Barbados West and Rotary Club of Barbados South mobilized a #PeopleOfAction Team immediately following the first eruption of La Soufriere on Friday April 9th, 2021. Barbados Rotary Clubs have expertise in managing disaster relief having supported several countries in the Caribbean including Bahamas, Dominica and Grenada following disasters that devastated the countries landscape, human life, and livelihoods. Rotarians are always on the ground and ready to take action to help communities recover when disasters strike. As a global organization Rotary supports three phases of relief: - Immediate response: We immediately offer helping hands and supplies.
- Short-term assistance: We help affected communities wherever we can through funds and materials to re-establish day-to-day operations.
- Long-term rebuilding: We plan and implement projects that rebuild affected communities.
This St Vincent Appeal Project would not be possible without the continued financial support of our Members and Friends in Barbados and abroad who have pledged cash donations through our charitable funds. We recognize the following partners and thank them for their support in executing this project: The Barbados Port Inc, The Barbados Coast Guard, Steinbok Management, Lumisol, The Royal Shop, Profiles Caribbean Inc, A One Supermarket Ltd, Agile Consulting Ltd, The Barbados Bar Association and their Members, DBG Design Inc., Gillespie & Steele Associates Ltd, Rotarians and Friends of Rotary. About Rotary: Rotary is the oldest service club in the world with a global network of 1.2 million individuals serving in 200 countries with more than 35, 000 clubs in a cohesive force for good. Rotarians see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. The most notable example at the global level is the three-decade fight to eradicate polio. Rotary is a unifying force, promoting peace, diversity, and inclusion, while helping to eradicate diseases and remove hunger and poverty. Rotary gives hope. Rotarians take action. About Barbados Rotary Clubs: Rotary was introduced to Barbados almost 60 years ago with the first club chartered in 1962 under the name of Rotary Club of Barbados. In 1975 our second club – Rotary Club of Barbados West emerged and later Rotary Club of Barbados South was chartered in 1986. The three Barbados Rotary Clubs consist of over 170 members serving the community and working to promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; save mothers and children; support education and grow local economies. Our Motto – ‘Service Above Self’
Barbados Rotary Clubs Donate to St Vincent
Ermine Darroux
2021-04-16 04:00:00Z |
Barbados,La Soufriere,Rotary,St Vincent,Volcano |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Mar 18, 2021
Following a Virtual Orientation session last evening, President Fiona proceeded to induct two new members during our online Fellowship Meeting held today March 18, 2021: 1) Davina Layne sponsored by Rotarian Jamella Forde 2) Oliver Jordan sponsored by Rotarian Neal Griffith The Rotary Club of Barbados welcomes Davina and Oliver to the journey of 'Service Above Self'! This brings to 95 the number of members of the club, comprising 91 active members and 4 honorary members.
Two More to Serve
Ermine Darroux
2021-03-18 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Mar 15, 2021
The Rotary Club of Barbados congratulates our very own PP Alexander W McDonald on his appointment as High Commissioner to the Republic of Kenya and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Nairobi on behalf of the Government of Barbados. Affectionately known to us as Alex in his capacity as a Rotarian for over 21 years, he served as our Club President for Rotary year July 1 2014 to June 30, 2015. We are proud of Alex’s achievement and wish him success in his new role as he continues to serve our country Barbados.
Rotarian To Lead The New Mission Office in Kenya
Ermine Darroux
2021-03-15 04:00:00Z |
Alex McDonald,Kenya |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Feb 02, 2021
RI PE Shekhar Mehta who originates from the Rotary Club of Calcutta-Mahanagar, West Bengal, India, revealed the 2021-22 presidential theme, Serve to Change Lives, to Incoming District Governors (DGs) on 1 February during the Rotary International Assembly. The assembly, a yearly training event for district governors-elect, was originally set to take place in Orlando, Florida, USA, but was held virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This new year PE Shekhar wants members to focus their efforts on empowering girls and ensuring their access to education, resources, services, and opportunities so that future generations of women leaders will have the tools they need to succeed. Mehta asked members to use Rotary’s belief that diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical in all we do as a compass to guide this work.
2021-22 Presidential Theme - Serve to Change Lives
Ermine Darroux
2021-02-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 31, 2021
Every December, and, for the last 25 years, the Rotary Club of Barbados has successfully hosted Carols by Candlelight on the manicured grounds of the Prime Minister’s official residence which is normally transformed into a Christmas wonderland with lighted Christmas tree and candle lights. The club has created an exciting family show attracting up to 7,000 patrons (locals as well as visitors) who have made it a regular feature on their Barbados Calendar of Events. This live open-air concert usually combines presentations by young performers, seasoned artistes, and performing icons. The highlights of the show include: - Collection of wrapped Christmas gifts at the gate for distribution to less fortunate Children
- Carols sing along by candlelight.
- Featured remarks by the sitting Prime Minister
- Special Carols by Candlelight food and drinks
- Family and friends gathering on the lawn creating a picnic while enjoying the concert.
It has been such a staple in Barbados’s Yuletide festivities that it has been said to mark the beginning of Christmas on the island. Carols by Candlelight Barbados – Where the joy of Christmas comes to Light!
Carols by Candlelight Barbados – Where the joy of Christmas comes to Light
2021-01-31 04:00:00Z |
Carols by Candlelight,Virtual |
Posted by Fiona Hinds on Jan 08, 2021
Following the closure of all schools in Barbados and the immediate adoption of online learning classrooms due to the Novel Coronavirus covid-19, our club in recognizing our need to serve our community immediately reassessed the needs of the children of Barbados and pivoted. We instantly made the provision of electronic devices in the form of tablets one of our priorities for the 2020-2021 Rotary year. During the first quarter we were successful in meeting the needs of some public primary school children between the ages of 9 and 11 who we determined would primarily be those children in need. The schools to which we donated 176 tablets were identified with the assistance of the Ministry of Education Technological and Vocational Training and based on our own internal investigations. The pupils who received tablets attended the following primary schools: St. Mary’s Primary School, St. Paul’s Primary, Milton Lynch Primary School, Carrington Primary School, Charles F. Broome Primary School, Belmont Primary School, Gordon Walters Primary School.
Supporting Online Education
Fiona Hinds
2021-01-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jan 01, 2021
The pandemic is not slowing down the business of The Rotary Club of Barbados and on the final day of 2020 following a virtual orientation ceremony, President Fiona Hinds pinned two new members: 1) Michael Mercer sponsored by Rotarian Neal Griffith 2) Nikita Gibson sponsored by Rotarian Diana Douglin We welcomed our new Rotarians during our hybrid meeting and noted that both Nikita and Michael are excited as they take on the journey of 'Service Above Self'.
Impact through Membership
Ermine Darroux
2021-01-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Dec 18, 2020
After three successful showings of our Virtual Carols by Candlelight at the Globe Drive-In we are going global! This annual 'must-do' family event featured on the Barbados calendar is normally held at Ilaro Court; however, due to Covid19 pandemic it was transformed to a virtual event. Hundreds of patrons supported the event and enjoyed the show. Persons in the UK can view the early show at 8pm UK while persons in New York can view the late show at 7pm (EST). All donations received from this event will go towards installing water tanks at Secondary Schools in Barbados. Thank you to our sponsors.
Virtual Carols by Candlelight Barbados is going Global
Ermine Darroux
2020-12-18 04:00:00Z |
Carols by Candlelight |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Nov 20, 2020
Every December, and, for the last 24 years, the Rotary Club of Barbados has hosted Carols by Candlelight at Ilaro Court, the Prime Minister’s official residence. We have created an exciting family show attracting up to 7,000 patrons who have made it a regular feature on their Barbados Calendar of Events. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic we decided to host our first Virtual Carols by Candlelight. Same great show but viewing in your own space! A fun filled show for the entire family.
Carols by Candlelight is going Virtual
Ermine Darroux
2020-11-20 04:00:00Z |
Barbados,Carols,Carols by Candlelight,District 7030,Rotary |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jul 23, 2020
Rotary Club of Barbados congratulates our very own Immediate Past AG and Past President Lisa Cummins on her appointment as Minister of Tourism and International Transport with the Government of Barbados. Lisa is a committed Rotarian who has served our club at many levels and most recently as Assistant Governor in our District 7030. We are thankful for her knowledge gifted to us and the many young Participants of our Model United Nations Assembly program. We are proud of Lisa’s achievement and wish her success in her new role as she continues to serve our country Barbados.
Congratulations to Immediate Past AG and PP Lisa on her new appointment
Ermine Darroux
2020-07-23 04:00:00Z |
Barbados,District 7030,I am Rotary Barbados,Lisa Cummins,Rotary,Rotary Club of Barbados |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jul 07, 2020
On July 2nd, 2020 Rotary Club of Barbados completed its 59th installation of officers via a virtual platform, creating history. This classy event, which attracted over 100 attendees dressed in formal attire, was ushered by our very own outgoing Sergeant at Arms, Peter Arender. Our attendees included: Past Rotary International Director - Brad Howard; District Governor - Lisle Chase; Rotary International Membership Committee Chair & Past District Governor David Edwards; Past District Governor, His Excellency - Milton Inniss; Past District Governor – Tony Watkins; District Governor Elect - Sonya Alleyne; Assistant Governor - Peter Thompson; President Rotary Club of Barbados South - Michael Forde; President Rotary Club of Barbados West - Trevor Williams; Hon Rotarian - Marina Leacock; Hon Rotarian - Professor Anne St John; Tamara Marshall; Dr Corey Forde; Dr Anton Best; Past Presidents; President Rotaract Club of Barbados - Rasheeda Prescod; Rotarians, Partners in Service; Friends of Rotary and Guests Following a witty introduction by SAA Peter Arender, President Peter Williams opened with a Loyal Toast to the Queen. Outgoing VP, PP Elvin Sealy, provided the invocation. This was followed by a video titled ‘Year in Review’. The up-tempo music in this video surely got members engaged. Immediately following this video presentation, the outgoing President Peter provided the official welcome. He expressed gratitude to everyone for their support and announced that the Rotary Club of Barbados had qualified for the 2019-20 Rotary Citation with Platinum Distinction.
A historical night at the 59th Installation of Officers achieving Rotary Citation with Platinum Distinction.
Ermine Darroux
2020-07-07 04:00:00Z |
59th Installation,Peter Williams,Rotary Club of Barbados,citation,platinum |
Posted by Peter Williams on Jul 04, 2020
During the 59th Installation of Officers held via a virtual platform on July 2, 2020 outgoing President Peter recognised several members who have given to our Club and to our Community during the year of 'Rotary Connects the World' - SECRETARY ERMINE DARROUX - One of the key success factors of any Club is an efficient Secretary. In this, her first year in the position, Secretary Ermine Darroux has epitomized the role and I wish to thank her for her fabulous contribution. Ermine stepped up, writing Rotary stories for posting on ClubRunner and ensuring that every Rotary International requirement was diligently fulfilled. Credit also to Past Secretary Neal for his support in the transition.
- PRESIDENT FIONA HINDS & THE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE - Every year we are challenged to pull out all the stops and deliver a great “Carols by Candlelight”. There isn’t enough room to include the photos of the full Committee, but suffice it to say that this year’s event was tops. While we may not see all that goes on behind the scenes we know that we are in good hands. Special mention to PP Norman and his production team, including Tamara Marshall. A World Class event by any standard. Well done.
- THE PRIDE OF WORKMANSHIP TEAM - This year’s Pride of Workmanship Awards dinner, a well-established Club practice of recognizing those persons in our community who give selflessly to help others, was given a new twist thanks to the creativity of the team. With the energy and leadership of the team – Director Adrian, Treasurer Meryl Stoute, Past Directors Winston Warren and Malcolm Vaughn, and Rotarians Jason Martin and Keri Mapp – we reached new heights, while retaining the core purpose of the function. The event shone thanks to the flawless touch of Rotarian Keri, a true gem who continues to make a difference in our Rotary Club.
- DIRECTOR PP TONY WILLIAMS - Director PP Tony Williams has been tireless in his role and I would like to recognize Tony and two committees – Rotanews and Bylaws - under his stewardship who did fabulous work.
- ROTANEWS TEAM - Producing our weekly bulletin is a relentless task. Yet, every week for an entire year our Rotanews team delivered. Congratulations to Editor in Chief, Rotarian Randy Marshall and his cohorts, including eagle eye PP Michael Browne and night owl Rotarian Steve Cozier. They worked well into the night to dot the i’s and cross t’s so that Rotanews was always there on Thursday morning. Great work.
- BYLAWS COMMITTEE – There is always a task which needs Rotarians with deep experience and knowledge. We could not have put together a better Committee than PDG Tony Watkins, PP Lionel Moe, and the ever eloquent PP Grenville Phillips. It was an ‘A’ class team and the results bear that out. We not only have updated Bylaws, but a revised Constitution. Thank you.
- COVID ESSENTIALS COMMITTEE - And out of the blue came COVID. However, when faced with adversity, Rotarians demonstrate that they are people of action. The Committee, which was pulled together in about one week, worked like a well-oiled machine. We had the experience of PDG David Edwards and PP Elvin Sealy, the fundraising expertise of Rotarian Barbara Trieloff-Deane, and the drive and organizational skills of Rotarians Neal Griffith, Meryl Stoute and Heather Tull. They delivered. We raised over $500,000 as noted in my earlier remarks. And be assured that every penny has been accounted. PP Ron Davis was there to ensure that all the funds were properly accounted for. An outstanding achievement. Special thanks to Monique Archer and her colleagues who requested the Club’s participation in this initiative.
- All Directors, Thank you - especially those who will not be serving for the coming year. Special thanks to the Vice President, Elvin Sealy, to Immediate Past President Shawn Franklin and Past District Governor David Edwards. Your support has been invaluable. PDG David is the consummate Rotarian and we wish him success as he takes of the role as Chair of Rotary International Membership Committee.

Outgoing President recognised Members Contribution to Club & Community
Peter Williams
2020-07-04 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jul 04, 2020
During the club's historical virtual event for the 59th Installation of Officers; outgoing President Peter W B Williams awarded Six Individuals with the Paul Harris Fellow Award! He stated: "Every year we take the opportunity to recognize special individuals who we consider to be deserving of Rotary’s highest award, the Paul Harris Fellow, which is named after Rotary’s founder. These persons have lived Rotary’s motto, ‘Service above Self’ and in becoming a Paul Harris Fellow they join notable individuals in history who have devoted their lives to the ideal of good will, peace, and the betterment of their fellow man. Paul Harris Fellows include Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan, Indira Gandhi, and Pope John Paul II." He began the presentation with two medical professionals who have made a significant contribution in Barbados’ fight against the COVID-19 virus - Dr Corey Forde and Dr Anton Best. DR COREY FORDE - Dr. Forde is Head of the Infection Prevention and Control/Infectious Diseases Programmes at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and currently serves as the National Coordinator of Isolation Facilities for COVID-19 management in Barbados. Dr. Forde graduated from the University of the West Indies and pursued further training at the University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa and the University of Toronto Canada, specializing in infectious diseases and infection prevention. He has been involved in leadership and mentorship of several low and middle-income countries worldwide in Infection Prevention and Control in collaboration with the World Health Organisation, the Pan American Health Organization, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Forde led the development of Caribbean Infection Prevention and Control Conference bringing together several regional countries including the French, Spanish, Dutch and English-speaking Caribbean. Internationally, he serves on the World Health Organisation Committee on the COVID-19 global response. Dr. Forde currently sits on the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of Americas Board of Trustees, the first person of African descent appointed to this position and is an Associate Lecturer in Medicine at the University of West Indies, Cave Hill Barbados. Dr. Forde’s training and experience prepared him well for one of the gravest situations faced by our small nation. However, it goes deeper than that. We have seen the impact of the virus on medical professionals around the globe and the Rotary Club of Barbados believes that in the face of personal threat, Dr. Forde demonstrated courage and selflessness. It is therefore my honour to present Dr. Forde with the Paul Harris Fellow as a sign of our appreciation for his substantial contribution to his fellow man. Congratulations and thank you Dr. Forde  DR ANTON BEST Dr Anton Best is a public health practitioner who currently serves as a Senior Medical Officer of Health with the Ministry of Health and Wellness. He received his medical degree from the University of the West Indies in 1999, his Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana in 2005, and a Master of Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University in 2011. For the last thirteen years he has been responsible for the HIV/ Sexually Transmitted Infections Programme of the Ministry and has also managed and co-managed health-sector projects with the World Bank, The United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He has co-authored a number of research articles, published in peer-reviewed journals and has presented at various forums regionally and internationally. We have become familiar with Dr. Best’s television presence, guiding us through the pandemic. His calm demeanor and professionalism provided all Barbadians with an assurance that we were in good hands. We can all agree that Barbados has fared very well during the pandemic in comparison to many larger, better resourced countries. Conversely, we shudder to think of what could have been. Dr. Best, you have withstood the challenges in the face of the COVID pandemic and we are indeed blessed to have had such an exceptional leader and professional at this moment in time. It is our honour to recognize you as a Paul Harris Fellow for your outstanding contribution during the COVID pandemic and for helping to keep Barbados safe. We will be eternally indebted to you 
Six recognised as Paul Harris Fellows
Ermine Darroux
2020-07-04 04:00:00Z |
Adrian Skeete,Dr Anton Best,Dr Corey Forde,Malcolm Vaughn,PHF,Paul Harris Fellow,Peter Williams,RCOB,Tamara Marshall,Trevor Fields |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jul 03, 2020
Outgoing President Peter W B Williams delivered the welcome address at our 59th Installation of Officers held on a virtual platform. He welcomed all Rotarians, Partners in Service; Honorary Rotarians and our Distinguished Guests including our featured speaker Past RI Director Brad Howard; Dr. Anton Best, Ag. Chief Medical Officer and Dr. Corey Forde National Coordinator of Isolation Facilities for COVID. He noted “the 2019–20 Year has been thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding, even if at times exhausting. Thanks to our Directors, Committee Chairs and all Rotarians, we have achieved many of our goals. We also basked in the success of the Rotaract Club of Barbados who received the top award from Rotary International. Well done President Kareem. Without doubt, it has been a year full of challenges and surprises.” Peter went on to say “In order to make a difference, our Club needs people of action, people who can bring new ideas and energy and add to the Club’s diversity, and importantly, people who live up to the high ideals of Rotary. In this regard, we attracted 12 new members this year, who are already hard at work for Rotary.” He outlined that “Collectively, we made a difference in our community. We partnered with the Blood Center to encourage Barbadians to become blood donors, gave several pints ourselves, and raised over $30,000 to purchase much needed equipment. Under the same theme of giving life, we joined with Dr. Margaret O’Shea, transplant surgeon, and Dr. Nerissa Jurawan, nephrologist, to raise awareness of the hospital’s kidney transplant programme. We also supported the fight against diabetes through donations to the Diabetes Association and the Diabetes Foundation. He thanked our Public Image team for ensuring all these projects generated much public interest and multiple articles in the press. Our Club made a difference in our region and this was outline by the outgoing President “following the devastation to the Bahamas by Hurricane Dorian, the Barbados clubs donated US$30,000 to assist in hurricane relief. And we made a difference in our world. Our members donated over US$10,000 to the Rotary Foundation to support the work of Rotary International and we joined with our fellow Rotarians from The Rotary Clubs of Barbados South and West to participate in Rotary International’s End Polio Now campaign”.
A Warm Welcome by Outgoing President Peter
Ermine Darroux
2020-07-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Fiona Hinds on Jul 03, 2020
'Rotary Opened Opportunities for Me' the words of our new President Fiona Hinds delivering her remarks during the historical 2020-21 Virtual Installation Ceremony held on July 2, 2020: "With the protocols having been established, I invite you tonight to join me on a Rotary journey of thanks and gratitude – of progress and friendship; of service and fellowship; a journey of commitment to our core values of integrity, service, diversity, leadership and fellowship it is a journey of Rotary and a journey which resonates the theme of this 2020-21 Rotary International year: ‘Rotary Opens Opportunities’. In starting our journey tonight, I open with the words of our own Paul Harris who said “Rotary changes us and those we serve. I believe we can change the world one life at a time” We are a We. We are a Team. We are a people of action and a people of service; we are a people who work together for the betterment of our societies and we are a people who will not be defeated by negatives. We live by a test that asks four simple questions: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned; Will it build goodwill and better friendships; and Will it be beneficial to all concerned. A test which empowers us in our Rotary journey to together say to any adversity: "be gone"; to any form of oppression or war or injustice: "be gone" and even to disease: "be gone; we have shown in our global fight against polio that we can say to disease: "be gone" and as we globally regionally and locally work to find ways to mitigate the crippling and adverse effects of the novel Coronavirus - Covid19 disease we hope that one day we can also tell this disease and or its adverse effects: "be gone".
Rotary Opened Opportunities for Me - President Fiona
Fiona Hinds
2020-07-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jun 26, 2020
On behalf of the Board of Directors, President Peter brought down the curtain on the 2019-20 year with the Stewardship Report on our year of ‘Rotary Connects the World’ during our Virtual meeting held on June 25th. Despite the challenges faced in the later part of the year (COVID-19 pandemic) the club was successful in achieving Rotary’s plan to increase our impact, expand our reach, enhance participant engagement, and increase our ability to adapt. President Peter highlighted the accomplishments of the club including: - Monthly attendance rate in excess of 70%
- Over 75% of members participated in various service activities
- Membership growth of 12.5% (12 new members installed)
- Retention rate of 94.7%
- Donation to RI Foundation above plan of US$9K now at US$10K
- Surplus on Club Funds of BB$20K
- Completion of revised Bylaws and Constitution
- Impactful projects including the Blood and Kidney Donor Awareness project
- Good Press Coverage which assisted in creating impact
RCoB did not stop there; during the year we partnered with sister clubs on a few projects: - US$30k donation to assist Bahamas with Hurricane Dorian recover efforts
- To purchase and distribute facial mask with Rotary South.
- To support the fight against Polio by participating in a joint World End Polio Now event
The year did not pass without some good fellowship; a core value of Rotary with events such as the annual boat cruise and President’s Party.
2019-20 Stewardship Report - Job well done
Ermine Darroux
2020-06-26 04:00:00Z |
2019-20,President Peter,RCOB,Rotary Club of Barbados,Rotary Connects the World |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on May 26, 2020
Rotary Club of Barbados continued its journey of the year of 'Rotary Connects the World' and yesterday inducted our 12th member Job Laboyrie; a former member of Rotary Club of Aruba. Job relocated to Barbados last year and brings over 13 years experience as a Rotarian. Job is sponsored by PEE Robin Forde and we look forward to working with him on our journey of 'Service Above Self'.
Building Impact through New Membership
Ermine Darroux
2020-05-26 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on May 19, 2020
COVID-19 has no boundaries and neither does Rotary Club of Barbados. Over the past weeks, through our online platform, we have been graced with the presence of international guest speakers as well as district representatives at our meetings. On Thursday May 14th we were fortunate to have RI President Elect Holger Knaack join us all the way from Germany at our weekly virtual fellowship meeting. Our other guests included DG Trevor, DGN Sonia, DGND Leslie, AG Peter, AG Frances-Ann, St Kitts, AG Lisa - Barbados,President Jean, President Brian, President Kareem and his Executive from Rotaract Club of Barbados. PE Holger greeted attendees with much enthusiasm and noted that he has been spending four to five hours a day participating in Online meetings. He jokingly admitted he may be the first RI President who never leaves home given the current pandemic. He thanked PDG David for inviting him and said he looked forward to working with David in the new Rotary year in his role as Chair of RI Membership Committee. In spite of the current crisis, PE Holger is seeing many more opportunities such as being able to communicate with each other, listening to speakers from around the world, planning projects and sharing our core values while we remain committed to Service above Self.
COVID-19 has no boundaries and neither does RCOB
Ermine Darroux
2020-05-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Peter Williams on Apr 24, 2020
The Rotary Club of Barbados, through our charitable fund, Rotary Trust Fund Projects Inc., has partnered with like-minded citizens to mobilise the procurement and distribution of essential food items and supplies to support persons here in Barbados who have been laid off during the pandemic. We are working with suppliers who are willing to provide items at cost or discount for a basic ‘basket of goods’ which can be delivered to families in need. Each basket of items cost approximately US$100 and our goal is to provide 200 baskets weekly in the initial stages and increase as the need arises and funds are available. We have partnered with established organisations, namely the Salvation Army and the Barbados Red Cross, who already have mechanisms for the distribution of these goods and the means to identify those persons impacted by the pandemic through loss of work.
COVID19 - RTFP Response: Essential Food Items for Families in need
Peter Williams
2020-04-24 04:00:00Z |
COVID19 Essentials,RCOB,RTFP,Rotary Club of Barbados |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Apr 13, 2020
At the invitation of PDG David Edwards, Past Rotary International President Barry Rassin spoke at our fellowship meeting of April 9, 2020. Barry, whose theme was 'Be The Inspiration', spoke on ‘Rotary: Covid-19 and Beyond’, Barry outlined some of the global challenges associated with the management of the Covid-19 pandemic and reminded us of our commitment to eradicate polio. While priority must be given to the Covid-19 pandemic at this time we should not stop our efforts to eradicate polio. He highlighted the need for us to lend a hand as our world and country will turn to Rotary organizations they can trust to assist quickly. He emphasized the importance of adopting the times and noted how our online fellowship is bringing more members to table. He said everyone is asking “when will this be over? Never! Our world is now changed for the future. We have to wrap our heads around that”. We must prepare for the challenges ahead including economic impact and issues of social unrest. He encouraged Rotarians to stay strong and stay positive and noted that Rotary International is very keen on supporting its member Clubs.
Past RI President Barry Visits Our Virtual Meeting
Ermine Darroux
2020-04-13 04:00:00Z |
COVID19,Pandemic,President Barry,RCOB,Rotary Club of Barbados |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Apr 05, 2020
The Rotary Club of Barbados is a traditional club, but importantly we are a vibrant Club willing to change and adapt strategies that will work for us and improve our club. During this global pandemic (COVID19) we have transitioned to online meetings in order to maintain our fellowship and engagement as well as to continue the support to our community. We believe that impact starts with our members and last week we took our online meetings further by conducting three orientation meetings and successfully inducting six new members. The Rotary Club of Barbados congratulates the following new Rotarians and extends a warm welcome to them as they join the Rotary Wheel, which faces inward for friendship and fellowship and outward in service to our community and to the world. New Member Sponsor Karen Cole Neal Griffith Shakéela Bodhoo Keri Mapp Nigel Pierre Paul Ashby Mark Hassell Paul Ashby Savitri St John Meryl Stoute Russell Wilson Ermine Darroux
Six new members inducted virtually
Ermine Darroux
2020-04-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Peter Williams on Mar 19, 2020
Message from President of Rotary Club of Barbados - Peter W. B. Williams In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the RCoB Board has decided to CANCEL ALL IN-PERSON MEETINGS AND EVENTS of the Club until further notice. This decision was taken following the announcement by the Ministry of Health & Wellness advising organizations to limit public gatherings as well as the notice from our District Governor Trevor Blake requesting that all in-person District events be cancelled. The Board has further decided to utilize the Zoom digital platform to host our regular Thursday meetings, commencing next Thursday, March 26. We encourage everyone to act prudently and continue to monitor and be guided information from the Ministry of Health & Wellness. If you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough or difficulty breathing, do not visit the hospital or other medical facility, but CALL the COVID -19 hotline at 536-4500 for advice.
RCoB Response - COVID19 Pandemic Update
Peter Williams
2020-03-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Feb 14, 2020
Our special guests at our weekly Fellowship Meeting on Thursday, February 13, 2020 were Nephrologist, Dr. Nerissa Jurawan and Consultant and General Surgeon, Dr. Margaret O’Shea from the Kidney Transplant team at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) along with Ms. Pamela Whitehall and Ms. Dione Timothy, mother and daughter, kidney recipient and donor respectively. Members of the press were also present to assist the Club in raising awareness about the kidney transplant programme. Dr. Jurawan delivered a thought provoking presentation covering the benefits of kidney transplants, which includes longer and better quality of life as well as reduced cost when compared to dialysis treatment. She also spoke of the transplantation process for the Donor as well as the Recipient and the current status of the programme in Barbados.
While kidney transplants have been carried out in Barbados before, the current transplant programme started about five years ago and since then the unit has completed ten successful transplants. The transplant process / surgery is supported by a group of volunteer doctors from the UK known as Transplant Links Community (TLC). They work with local doctors to carry out live donors transplants, and at the same time teach the skills so that Barbados will have a sustainable transplant programme.
Raising the awareness of ‘Organ Donation’, one of the Club’s pillar projects for this Rotary Year
Ermine Darroux
2020-02-14 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Feb 11, 2020
Rotary Club of Barbados congratulates our very own Past District Governor Charles David Edwards who has been confirmed as the Chair of the Rotary International Membership Committee 2020-21 by President Elect Holger Knaack. In 2018, PDG David was appointed Vice Chair of that same Committee. We are truly proud of this achievement! This Committee, mandated by the RI Bylaws, provides guidance and advice to the RI Board on matters related to membership development, retention and education. It also considers matters related to developing programmes to attract new members and retain existing members, and encourage the formation of new, innovative, and flexible Rotary Clubs and alternative membership models. As part of the RI Strategic Plan, the Committee aims to expand Rotary membership and enhance engagement to strengthen Rotary in both numbers and quality.
Announcement - PDG David Edwards Appointed RI Membership Committee Chair
Ermine Darroux
2020-02-11 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jan 21, 2020
RI President-Elect Holger Knaack unveiled the 2020-21 Presidential Theme at the Club's Annual International Assembly held in San Diego, California on January 20, 2020. The theme ‘Rotary Opens Opportunities’, is encouraging Rotarians around the world to seize the many opportunities Rotary offers to enrich their lives and the communities in which they serve. Knaack noted Rotary isn’t just a club for people to join, but rather “an invitation to endless opportunities,” He emphasized that Rotary creates pathways for members to improve their lives and the lives of those they help through service projects.
2020-21 Presidential Theme - Rotary Opens Opportunities
Ermine Darroux
2020-01-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Steve Cozier on Nov 17, 2019
On Saturday, November 9, 2019 Barbadians were serenaded with an eclectic mix of top quality music in a show headlined by the Elton John Tribute Band out of the United Kingdom. Opening acts were a mix of heavy rock by Jae Johansen, followed by Alan Shepherd with a selection of well-known hits from his Spice and Company repertoire. Biggie Irie and De Red Boyz kept things hopping with some of their popular hits while KOLORBLYND reunited especially for the show and wowed the crowd with Prince's Purple Rain and the Eagles' Hotel California. The headliners were the Elton John Tribute Band who came all the way from England to give patrons an authentic replica of Elton John and his greatest hits; a special treat was a guest appearance with the Elton group by Barbados' very own songbird, Tamara Marshall. Several hundred patrons rocked and danced the night away to what will be remembered as a nostalgic night to raise funds for the Schoolhouse for Special Needs which is one of the Club's very special projects.
The "Ultimate Elton" Show
Steve Cozier
2019-11-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Oct 26, 2019
This morning, a number of Rotarians, Partners-in-Service, Rotaractors and Friends were dispatched to schools around the island to replace over 25 school signs previously installed by our Club. The signage installed will be more visible to the public based on the type of materials utilised. Our Club continues to focus on enhancing community development as part of our Rotary International Areas of Focus.
27 School Signs Refurbished
Ermine Darroux
2019-10-26 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 19, 2019
The Rotary Club of Barbados, under the distinguished patronage of Her Excellency, Dame Sandra Mason, GCMG, DA, QC, Governor General, recognized four unsung heroes at its annual Pride of Workmanship Awards Dinner (POWA) held on October 17th. As in the past, this year’s honourees personify Rotary International’s motto: “Service Above Self.” A major area of focus for Rotary International is Disease Prevention and Treatment and the Rotary Club of Barbados has chosen to raise awareness of Diabetes as well as the need for blood and organ donation. It is therefore fitting that Rotary honour representatives of the Diabetes Association, the Diabetes Foundation, and the Barbados Blood Collection Centre along with the top Blood Donor.
Four Recognized at Pride of Workmanship Awards as Rotarians Appeal to Donors to give blood
Ermine Darroux
2019-10-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 10, 2019
According to RI’s President Mark D Maloney, Rotary is indeed a family and should be an experience that complements our families; a warm and welcoming place where service and family go hand in hand. Rotary is also about developing the skills and networks of the new generation; who will eventually become Rotary leaders. With this in mind, today we welcome Anton Nicholls, son of Past President Brenda Pope, the Club’s first Female President as a Rotarian. Anton is sponsored by PP Brenda and was pinned by President Peter.
Welcome to 2nd Generation Rotarian
Ermine Darroux
2019-10-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Sep 12, 2019
Impact starts with our members and earlier today we welcomed three new members to our club during our weekly Fellowship Meeting at the Hilton. Carlos Depeiza, Simone Pasmore and Gregory Wood presented by their sponsors SAA Peter Arender, PDG David Edwards and Rtn Jeff Evelyn were installed by President Peter Williams.
Three New Members Inducted
Ermine Darroux
2019-09-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Peter Williams on Sep 12, 2019
The Rotary Club of Barbados is pleased to announce the award of an academic scholarship to Mr. Codie Hinds Attorney-at-Law, to pursue Masters-level (LLM) studies in Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Law at the University of Swansea in Wales, UK.
Rotary Club Academic Grant to Mr. Codie Hinds
Peter Williams
2019-09-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Peter Williams on Sep 12, 2019
Rotarians from the three Rotary Clubs in Barbados – Rotary Club of Barbados, Rotary Club of Barbados South, and Rotary Club of Barbados West – join with all Barbadians in expressing our sympathy with our brothers and sisters in the Bahamas following the devastation and loss of life caused by Hurricane Dorian, which hit the northern islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama. The slow moving hurricane of unprecedented strength, hammered the islands for over 48 hours.
Rotary Clubs of Barbados Donate US$30,000 to Rotary Bahamas following Hurricane Dorian
Peter Williams
2019-09-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jul 08, 2019
At a formal ceremony held on July 6, 2019 under the patronage of Her Excellency Dame Sandra Mason, GCMG, DA, QC, Governor General of Barbados, the new board led by President Peter W. B. Williams was installed. Rotarians, Rotaractors, Partners-in-Service, Special Guests and Friends of Rotary joined together in fellowship to welcome the new board. Immediate Past President Shawn spoke of the projects, fellowship events and activities undertaken during his year, reciting month over month. He ended his address by thanking his board for their support and presented a Certificate of Appreciation to each member. Director Makonem was commended for the great work he has done with our Rotaract and Interact Clubs and was awarded The Paul Harris Fellowship Award. President Peter began his address by congratulating Immediate Past President Shawn and his Board on the successes of the past year. He went on to note that “our Club is blessed to have serving on this year’s Board, talented Directors with a sense of purpose, Directors with a blend of youth and experience. It is even more of a blessing that five of our Directors are women”.
Installation Ceremony of 2019-20 Board
Ermine Darroux
2019-07-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jul 01, 2019
Rotarians and Rotaractors descended on the Barbados Polo Club at Holders, St James for the Rotary Club of Barbados’ inaugural RotaGames on Sunday, June 30, 2019. Participating companies for the games included Emera Caribbean, Barbados Lights & Power Co Ltd, Cave Shepherd Group of companies and our very own Rotaract Club of Barbados.
Congratulations to the Barbados Light & Power Team who turned the lights on at RotaGames 2019!
Ermine Darroux
2019-07-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Ermine Darroux on Jan 04, 2019
RI President-elect Mark Daniel Maloney unveiled the 2019-20 Presdential Theme at the Club's annual training event held in San Diego, California on Dec 31, 2018. The theme 'Rotary Connects the World', asks all Rotarians to strengthen the many ways that Rotary Connects the World, building the connections that allow talented, thoughtful, and generous people to unite and take meaningful action through Rotary service.
2019-20 Presidential Theme - Rotary Connects the World
Ermine Darroux
2019-01-04 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Tracey Knight-Lloyd
Educators and psychologists often tout learning through play as one of the most effective ways to drive the learning process. But what exactly is learning through play? Learning through play is a term used in education and psychology to describe how a child can learn to make sense of the world around them. Through play children can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.
Learning through Play
Tracey Knight-Lloyd
2018-10-10 04:00:00Z |
Fond Farewell for Friend of Rotary
2018-07-31 04:00:00Z |
RI Board Appointment for PDG David Edwards
Stephen Cozier
2018-03-21 04:00:00Z |
Rajhmon Alleyne age seventeen years, has been a student at The Schoolhouse For Special Needs since September 2012 and recently transitioned to the schools adult program known as the Cottage Industry. Rajhmon is on the spectrum of Autism.
Rajhmon Alleyne, The Schoolhouse For Special Needs piano prodigy
2018-01-26 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Steve Cozier
2018-19 President Elect, Barry Rassin, announced his theme for the upcoming Rotary Year at the recently concluded International Assembly in San Diego, California, U.S.A.: Be the Inspiration is the message he has for Rotarians.
2018-19 Presidential Theme Announced
Steve Cozier
2018-01-21 04:00:00Z |
As an award winning author, global investor, and adventurer, Neal Petersen delivers a powerful message incorporating the difficult challenges facing us all globally today. It’s a captivating and interactive journey through his "No Barriers - Only Solutions" keynote - his life story. Neal empowers his audience by using examples of how he overcame barriers by always turning them into opportunities, of knowing how to innovate and how it relates to success and the need to adapt to constant wind shifts and change. He challenges his audience to think outside the box, to use this economic challenge to their advantage - it's an opportunity to excel by choosing a winning course, using the ever changing winds, fierce storms and unsettled seas to your advantage. Most importantly, the need to clearly communicate the vision and the direction, then followed by the planning and the preparation, followed by determination and perseverance to achieve extraordinary results. That is how Neal achieved his dream of racing solo around the world in the AroundAlone yacht race, 27,000 miles, 9 months, at sea ~ alone and in a boat he designed and built himself! =========================0======================
No Barriers - Only Solutions: as presented to RCoB on May 25, 2017
2017-05-25 04:00:00Z |
The conference was held at the Barbados Museum from May 21 - 24, 2015. A Number of regional Rotary dignitaries were in attendance including: DG Elwin Atmodimedjo, DG-Elect Milton Inniss, PDG David Edwards and AG Sonya Alleyne. See Photo Album for pictures of the opening ceremony at the Barbados Museum. Additional photos can be found on the Rotary District 7030 Facebook page. Just go to Facebook and search for Rotary District 7030. =========================0======================
29th Annual D7030 Rotaract Conference
2015-05-24 04:00:00Z |
The recently concluded Autism seminar was a huge success. Organized and executed by Tracey Knight-Lloyd the seminar focused on highlighting the vast complexities of understanding, treating with, and managing individuals with the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It was held at the Cave Hill School of Business on May 18, 2015 and opening remarks were delivered by Senator Kerry-Ann Ifill who is the President of the Barbados Council of the Disabled. "Read More..." for presenters' handouts.
See the Photo Album for some pictures from the event.
Autism Seminar
2015-05-22 04:00:00Z |
The following is the link to a brief video presentation of the 2015 Model United Nations (MUN) Assembly held at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre on March 7, 2015.
For more photographs of this assembly please visit the Photo Album entitled "2015 Model United Nations Assembly (MUN)".
2015 MUN video
2015-05-21 04:00:00Z |
The RCOB Senior Citizens Sunset Concert was held at the Main Guard Garrison on 26 April 2015. A pictorial summary is presented in the Photo Albums section.
Senior Citizens Sunset Concert April 2015
2015-05-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 23, 2015
In celebration of Rotaract Week (Mar 8 - 14) the three Rotaract clubs of Barbados joined together in a community service project in the form of a mural. They painted this on a wall on the Fairchild Street bus terminal over the weekend of Mar 14. (See Photo Album for photos of the mural)
Rotaractors at Work
2015-03-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 23, 2015
Operation Triple Threat: Sing. Dance. Act. (O.T.T) is a developmental performing arts programme for students between the ages of 7 and 21. The idea for the programme was inspired by the noticeable need for training for the youth to become what the entertainment industry calls a ‘triple threat’- someone who is skilled in each of the three disciplines of singing, dancing and acting.
Operation Triple Threat
2015-03-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Steve Cozier on Feb 03, 2015
Pride of Workmanship Awards
Steve Cozier
2015-02-04 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Steve Cozier on Feb 01, 2015
Child Care Board Childrens Party
Steve Cozier
2015-02-02 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Steve Cozier on Jan 31, 2015
Childrens Home Gift Presentation
Steve Cozier
2015-01-31 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Feb 16, 2014
The February 2014 TRF Newsletter (entitled Foundation Horizons) contains an interesting article on PDG David Edwards in his TRF role as Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator (ARRFC) for Districts 7000, 7020, and 7030.
Rotary Foundation Newsletter Zone 34
Stephen Cozier
2014-02-17 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Oct 25, 2013
District Governor Hervé Honoré presents Rtn Horace King with a special commemorative pin to recognize his 50 years of service as a member of the Rotary Club of Barbados. President Ron Davis looks on.
Wow...is it that time already?
Stephen Cozier
2013-10-26 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Jul 21, 2013
Donna King-Brathwaite and incoming Treasurer Brian Cole are our Club's most recent Paul Harris Fellows. They were both rewarded with the PHF by outgoing President Tony Williams at the installation function for incoming President Ron Davis on 12 July 2013.
RCOB's 2013 Paul Harris Fellows
Stephen Cozier
2013-07-22 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Feb 02, 2013
On Friday, February 01, 2013 the President's project, which comprised the refurbishment of 2 wards at the Geriatric Hospital, was officially delivered to the Ministry of Health and received by the Minister, the Hon Donville Inniss.
President's Project delivered
Stephen Cozier
2013-02-03 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Dec 17, 2012
Caught on camera.
Some of the Rotarians who assisted with painting at the Geriatric Hospital on Saturday, December 15, 2012 for the President's Project. President Tony chose to refurbish two wards at the Geriatric Hospital. The refurbishment was started on October 22, 2012 and the project is now 99% complete. Work to be completed includes installation of the remaining lights and application of some minor painting and trowel plastic.
Approximately seven Rotarians turned up to paint on Saturday morning and they virtually painted the walls of an entire ward. Great work! Many thanks from President Tony.
President's Club Project virtually complete
Stephen Cozier
2012-12-18 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Jun 30, 2012
The Interact Club of Codrington High School is the newest Interact Club in Barbados. It is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Barbados and held its first meeting to elect officers on Thursday, May 17, 2012.
New Interact Club Chartered
Stephen Cozier
2012-07-01 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Apr 27, 2012
Partner-in-Service Deborah Smith (PP Roger Smith) and Rtn Heather Tull are the two most recent individuals to be admitted as Paul Harris Fellows. They were presented with their PHF awards by RI President Kalyan Banerjee at the Club's 50th Anniversary Gala Award dinner on 10 March 2012.
RCoB's Newest Paul Harris Fellows
Stephen Cozier
2012-04-28 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Mar 10, 2012
At the 50th Anniversary Gala dinner and awards ceremony held at the Hilton Barbados on Sat, 10 Mar 2012, Past District Governor David Edwards, who is also a Past President of The Rotary Club of Barbados was presented with the Service Above Self Award by the President of Rotary International, Dr Kalyan Banerjee.
PDG David cops Rotary's highest honour
Stephen Cozier
2012-03-11 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Feb 21, 2012
Above are the two most recent individuals to be admitted as Paul Harris Fellows at a Club Meeting on Feb 16, 2012. In the picture on the left is PHF Grace Phillips, flanked by her spouse, Past President Grenville Phillips on her right and Club President Brenda Pope on her left. In the picture on the right, PHF Rotarian Stephen Cozier is flanked by his Partner-in-Service Mary Cozier on his right and President Brenda on his left.
RCoB's Newest Paul Harris Fellows
Stephen Cozier
2012-02-22 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Feb 08, 2012
As part of its 50th
Anniversary celebrations, the Rotary Club of Barbados has repaired the homes of
two Barbadians who have disabilities - Belfield Hurdle who lives in Newcastle,
St John (top picture above), and Cheryl Belgrave of Long Bay, St. Philip (bottom picture above).
Rotary's Helping Hand
Stephen Cozier
2012-02-09 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Jan 10, 2012
Here's a follow up to the great concert we hosted in 2011. Click on "More..." for the full article.
Stephen Cozier
2012-01-11 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephen Cozier on Dec 19, 2011
Sunday, December 11th, 2011 was the 16th staging of the annual “Carols by Candlelight” which was held at Ilaro Court with the kind permission of the Prime Minister the Hon Freundel Stuart QC MP. This was a particularly special occasion, “Carols By Candlelight” falling as it did within our 50th Anniversary Celebrations, and from all reports was a resounding success.
Carols by Candlelight 2011
Stephen Cozier
2011-12-20 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Brenda Pope on Dec 04, 2011
Government House was filled with merriment and joyous spirits when Partners-in-service and Rotarians hosted 105 guests from nine (9) homes across the island, under the auspices of His Excellency The Governor General and Mrs. Belgrave at the annual RCOB Christmas Tea Party. This signature Rotary event began in the 1975 as an initiative of Sir Winston Scott and Lady Scott, with the primary objective of bringing Christmas cheer to residents of Nursing homes, through music and fellowship.
Rotary Senior Citizens Christmas Party 2011
Brenda Pope
2011-12-05 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Brenda Pope on Oct 21, 2011
On October 20, 2011 as part of its Vocational Month Activities, RCOB continued its tradition of honouring unsung heroes in our society through its Pride of Workmanship Awards. The nominees are chosen from occupations which normally may not be selected for national recognition, but where the individuals were considered to be exemplary in their various fields. This year at the gala dinner event, the club honoured four (4) Primary school track coaches under aegis of the National Sports Council - Wendy Barrow Smith, Jaspar Blades, Paulette Smith and Marcia Trotman.
RCOB Honours Four at annual Pride of Wokmanship Awards
Brenda Pope
2011-10-22 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Brenda Pope on Oct 17, 2011
Tuesday evening October 8th, 2011 was a night of musical pleasure for lovers of classical music, when the RCOB sponsored the Barbados National Youth Symphony Orchestra in concert. With a prompt start the BNYSO got the evening going with one of the best renditions of the Barbados National Anthem heard in recent times. From the first notes of the Brahms Academic Overture, it was clear that the audience were in for a musical treat. Director Mrs. Joy Knight-Lynch skilfully guided them through this rather challenging piece of music which served well to establish the capability of the orchestra and standard to be expected for the evening.
Rotary Club of Barbados Celebrates with the Youth Symphony Orchestra
Brenda Pope
2011-10-18 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Brenda Pope on Oct 01, 2011
On October 1st, UN International Day of the Elderly RCOB held “Sunset on the Board Walk with the Seniors”. The Club brought seniors (including Rotarians’ relatives) to Hasting Rocks next to Board Walk with those in wheelchairs being assisted by Rotarians, as well as members of the UWI Rotaract and St Michael Interact clubs. Entertainment was provided by steel pan and narrative reading and the evening concluded with light refreshments while watching the sunset.
Sunset on the Boardwalk with the Seniors
Brenda Pope
2011-10-02 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Brenda Pope on Jul 15, 2011
Fellow Rotarians, I am honoured that you have given me the opportunity to lead the club in such a historic year as this – our 50th year of existence. I hope that by my actions and deeds I will live up to the examples set by the distinguished roll of past presidents who have served this Club before me.
Incoming President's Message
Brenda Pope
2011-07-16 00:00:00Z |