New Club President - Ermine Darroux-Francis announced five Honorary Rotarians to join members in serving the community in the year of creating hope.
Honorary membership recognizes individuals who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service and embody Rotary ideals, or those considered friends of Rotary for their support of Rotary's causes. The President announced the following Honorary Rotarians who were pinned by Her Excellency - Dame Sanndra Mason, President of Barbados:
- Past President and Senator Lisa Cummins for her continued and unwavering support to our club and her leadership of our joint club project, Model United nations program on behalf of the rotary clubs in Barbados.
- Mr. Didier Trebucq, UN Resident Coordinator for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. Rotary and the United Nations have a shared history of working towards peace and addressing humanitarian issues around the world. Our goals are aligned, and Rotary holds the highest consultative status offered to a nongovernmental organization by the UN’s Economic and Social Council.
- Dr Rhonda McIntyre - Senior Associate Dean of External Affairs and Professor of Pediatrics at Ross University School of Medicine for her significant support to our major project - health literacy and early screening program developed to assist with slowing the growing rate of non-communicable diseases including childhood obesity.
- Dr Jeff Massay - based on his long service to our club, by sharing his technical and professional expertise in support of our pacemaker implementation project.
- Sergeant Kim Harris – her association with our club on behalf of the Juvenile Liaison Scheme in support of the Youth program (Youth Elevation Scheme - YES) is a testament of her commitment to youth and is deeply appreciated. This honorary membership serves as our commitment to continue that program in support of the positive elevation of our youth.