2018-19 President Elect, Barry Rassin, announced his theme for the upcoming Rotary Year at the recently concluded International Assembly in San Diego, California, U.S.A.: Be the Inspiration is the message he has for Rotarians.
Rassin, a member of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, unveiled the 2018-19 presidential theme, Be the Inspiration, to incoming district governors at Rotary’s International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA. “I want you to inspire in your clubs, your Rotarians, that desire for something greater. The drive to do more, to be more, to create something that will live beyond each of us.”
In attendance at this prestigious event was our very own David Edwards, Past President of our Club and Past Governor of District 7030. He had this to say about the experience:
"I was privileged to attend the 2018 International Assembly in San Diego as one of 8 Sergeants-at-Arms. The speakers at the event were inspirational led by President Elect Barry Rassin. All Districts worldwide were represented and the fellowships and partnerships made are those that will help propel global grants and exchanges worldwide. From an operational point of view the event was produced flawlessly and the participants were high in praise for the RI Staff for the excellent arrangements."
For a complete report on his presentation please follow the link below: