Posted by Ermine Darroux on Feb 11, 2020
Rotary Club of Barbados congratulates our very own Past District Governor Charles David Edwards who has been confirmed as the Chair of the Rotary International Membership Committee 2020-21 by President Elect Holger Knaack.  In 2018, PDG David was appointed Vice Chair of that same Committee.  We are truly proud of this achievement!
This Committee, mandated by the RI Bylaws, provides guidance and advice to the RI Board on matters related to membership development, retention and education. It also considers matters related to developing programmes to attract new members and  retain existing members, and encourage the formation of new, innovative, and flexible Rotary Clubs and alternative membership models. As part of the RI Strategic Plan, the Committee aims to  expand Rotary membership and enhance engagement to strengthen Rotary in both numbers and quality.
About Rotary:
Rotary is the oldest service club in the world uniting over 1.2 million individuals with more than 35, 000 clubs around the world into a cohesive force for good.  The most notable example at the global level is the three decade fight to eradicate polio. 
Rotary is a unifying force, promoting peace, diversity and inclusion, while helping to eradicate disease and remove hunger and poverty.   Rotary gives hope.  Rotarians take action.