Major Project #4 - Digital Literacy with the theme ‘Building The Brand Called You’ was launched on Feb 3, 2022. The programme is geared towards providing practical knowledge on key areas of ‘adulting’ for students preparing to leave school and enter young adulthood and will target secondary school students over the age of 16 attending the Deighton Griffith Secondary School, The Lodge School and Ursuline Convent.
The Digital Literacy Session will provide insights in the ability to navigate various digital platforms and understand, assess, and communicate through them. Topics will include: Real or Fake News/Data, Cyberbullying, Trolls and Free Speech, Virtual Plagiarism (Do I have the right to post other people’s photos) and Digital Brand - Going Viral
Presentation Literacy Session provides key information on how to be a public speaker and how to present yourself. This session will cover Every day Public Speaking, Benefits of Public Speaking, Elements of Public Speaking and also Planning & Presenting Speeches
HR Literacy session will include topics which will assist students with writing Curriculum Vitae, Resumes, Cover Letters, Interview Preparation and developing Soft Skills
Contract Literacy session will assist students in gaining a better understanding of Contracts and Doing Business in Barbados
Financial Literacy session will cover topics such as the Financial System, National Insurance Scheme, Income Tax Authority, Saving, Budgeting, and Investing
The Project Team is Co-Chaired by Rtn Nikita Gibson and Rtn Keri Mapp supported by Rtn Davina Layne, Rtn Tamara Allman, IPP Fiona Hinds Lafond and PP Kareem French from the Rotaract Club of Barbados
The delivery method will vary as the project team will be engaging several Rotarians to assist with the presentations.